PHI 5000 Versa Probe II

Gray-Little Hall, Room B105B
- Ultra-high vacuum instrument, raster scanned, micro focused, x-ray beam
- 20 kV electron gun
- Floating column argon ion gun
- LaB6 emitter- creates a raster-scanned electron beam focused on the Al anode of the x-ray source to produce a monochromated x-rays
- Ellipsoidal shaped quartz crystal monochromator- collects, filters, and refocuses x-rays onto the sample surface to scan and acquire the spectrum
- Dual-beam charge neutralization
- Compucentric Zalar rotation
- Sputter depth profiling (5V to 5000)
- Angle-resolved spectroscopy
- Chemical state imaging
- Elemental composition and chemical mapping with SXI (Secondary X-ray Imaging) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM; using secondary electrons)
- Five-axis automated sample manipulator
- 25 mm and 60 mm diameter sample holders
- Extra Sample Prep chamber with Heating, Cooling, and mixture of Gases
- X-ray beam size for XPS ranges from 9 µ to 200 µ and AES is scanned at 100 nm
Workstation Specifications
- Instrument driven by SmartSoft software
- Multipak Software for data analysis (Physical Electronics Inc.)
- Xeon E5-1603
- NVIDIA Quadro 410 graphics card
- Windows 7/ 32-bit