Materials, Cellular, and Tissue Preparation
- American Optical Spencer 820 Rotary Microtome with AO 820 Blade Holder #814, High- and Low-Profile Disposable Blades, LAB-TEK AO820 cassette vise jaws with flotation bath workstation
- Analytical Weigh Station
- CO2 incubator (Barnstead/Lab-Line, Model 314)
- Critical Point Dryer (Quorum Technologies)
- Glove Box
- HistoPro® 150 CS cold Tissue Embedding module (RUSHABH Instruments, LLC.)
- HistoPro® 414 Linear Stainer for paraffin and frozen sections (RUSHABH Instruments, LLC.)
- Leica EM KMR3 Glass Knifemaker
- Leica EM UC6 ultramicrotome with 35° and 45° DiaTOME ULTRA diamond knives and 45° DiaTOME Trimtools
- Pelco BioWave® Pro 36500 Laboratory Microwave System with a PELCO® Steady TempTM Pro Thermo Cube (Ted Pella, Inc.)
- SpectrafugeTM 16M High Speed Microcentrifuge (Labnet International)
- Basic Plasma Cleaner, PDC-32G (Harrick Plasma)
- Sputter Coater with SPI-ModuleTM Control and Quartz Crystal Thickness Monitor (SPI® Supplies)